Health condition of bees inhibiting wild beehives and logs located in the forest districts of north-eastern Poland
Health condition of bees inhibiting wild beehives and logs located in the forest districts of north-eastern Poland
The main objective of the research was to determine the overall health of bees that inhabit the wild beehives and logs located in Polish northeastern Forest Districts. The study was conducted in August 2015 in Augustow Forest District (1 wild beehive and 9 logs), Suprasl Forest District (3 wild beehives), Maskulinskie Forest District (1 log). In the samples with PCR methods (according to the OIE) and using specific primers species of Nosema spp. and the type of virus (ABPV, CBPV and DWV) were determined,
the presence of american foulbrood AFB and V. destructor in brood and in bees were detected. In the collected material there were not found anatomical and developmental anomalies in worker bees indicating the pathognomonic symptoms of diseases (eg. paralysis, weight loss, etc.) or the presence of american foulbrood (AFB) in brood. However there were found V. destructor in five tested objects, and carried by this mite the virus of deformed wings DWV in four objects. It was also ascertained the presence of infection with a pathogenic fungus N. ceranae in two objects. Because of pioneering character of research it should be continued in the future.
the presence of american foulbrood AFB and V. destructor in brood and in bees were detected. In the collected material there were not found anatomical and developmental anomalies in worker bees indicating the pathognomonic symptoms of diseases (eg. paralysis, weight loss, etc.) or the presence of american foulbrood (AFB) in brood. However there were found V. destructor in five tested objects, and carried by this mite the virus of deformed wings DWV in four objects. It was also ascertained the presence of infection with a pathogenic fungus N. ceranae in two objects. Because of pioneering character of research it should be continued in the future.