Assessment of microbiological quality of Belorussian nectar honeys

Madras-Majewska B. , Halko N.V. , Rosiak E. , Ochnio L. , Ochnio M. , Halko A. , Kuczyńska B.
Assessment of microbiological quality of Belorussian nectar honeys
3 раз(а)

The main objective of the research was to evaluate the microbiological quality of 10 honeys from Belorus collected from beekeepers in the area of Grodno. The study was conducted in 2013 at the Apiculture Division of Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW. The aim of the research was the count of total number of microorganisms, count of the genus Bacillus spp., and also yeasts and molds. An assessment of microbial count in honey was made with the use of three methods: submerged culture, surface culture and spiral plate to select the best of them. Furthermore were tested selected physicochemical properties such as pH, water content and water activity. The presence of Bacillus spp., yeasts and molds, and the total number of microorganisms was found in all honeys. It was also ascertained that the appropriate method for testing the microbiological quality of honey is the classic submerged method. Tested honeys proved to be a good value. Most of the studied parameters was in the standards or were on the borders. All honeys were characterized by low pH (range 3.08-3.42), while the water activity (0.622 - 0.538 aw) and a water content (16.7-21.7%) was adequate to hinder the microbial growth.
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